
Released on Jul 12, 2012, A lots of bugs has been fixed in this version. FTPUpload_Completed event added, SetBodyText method added and specially "YouTube Video Insert" toolbar button added. Also, we got rid of a bottle neck that caused too long time to load the Form from Visual Studio IDE.
Implemented Features
  • New Toolbar button for YouTube Video Insert.
  • An event added for FTPUpload_Completed.
  • Added Method "SetBodyText(string text)"
Resolved Bugs
  • If you double click on text, the word under the mouse cursor gets selected (Windows standard). However, if you move the mouse afterwards, the control is still in select mode and selects all text the mouse movers over.
  • The Application Freezes when IFrame (YouTube) element is inserted in the editor and Preview Mode is activated.
  • If there is no content in the editor when the editor started, if I click the editor mode = Source HTML, the editor mode is not switched.
  • When the editor is started and no text is typed, if I clicked the Preview Mode, the editor gets locked in previous mode and cannot go to WYSIWYG or Edit Source mode.
  • If the developer set Default Html Mode = Html Source in Design time, then, when run the application, the user dont see the default mode = Html Source Edit
  • If the developer set Default Editor Mode = Html Preview, then, when the user run the app, the user cannot get other editor modes.
  • DocumentHTML returns wrong if the editor is in HTML Edit mode.
  • when the editor is in Edit Mode, GetBodyStyle returns null.
  • SetBodyStyle does not work in HTML Edit Mode
  • GetAllImageSrcs() and GetAllLinkHrefs() returns a list of 0 elements if the editor mode is HTML Edit
  • RemoveHtmlElementFromHead and InsertHtmlBetweenHead does not work in HTML_Edit mode.
  • The Hosted Widnows Form takes too long time to load when calling from Visual Studio, although it does not take long time when called from the compiled exe.
  • DisableLocalResourceSelection seems to have no effect on the image dialog while working fine in the hyperlink dialog.
  • Unhandled Exception : System.ArgumentException: String cannot be of zero length. Parameter name: oldValue at System.String.Replace(String oldValue, String newValue)