
Released on Jan 25, 2015, This version is a minor update wtih lots of bug fixes.
Resolved Bugs
  • ObjectDisposedException could happen sometimes during program closing
  • users could insert images with empty url. Now the OK button is disabled until users enter url
  • The editor versions for .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 did not work on Windows without Visual Studio installed and without Microsoft.mshtml.dll in bin folder
  • Editor could not paste not ANSI characters copied from HTML
  • Multiple instances of the editor had same Spell checker engine, so they could not use different dictionaries
  • The editor becomes read only if user inserts empty Hyperlink using the dialog
  • Methods Content.InsertText(), Caret.GetCaretIndexInHtml(), Content.InsertScript() could not work sometimes.
  • typo fixed in ReplaceAllCompleted message.
  • setter of property DocumentHtml did not work in Preview mode
  • print issues if no default printer in system: Print method did nothing, ShowPrintPreviewDialog showed empty window, ShowPageSetupDialog showed not informative error message